Who is teaching?
Kendra Waldburger RN is a nurse in the Cardiology Clinic at Children’s. She worked in the PICU and CICU for several years. She helps run the Single Ventricle Program, a newer specialty clinic. Topic: The basics of Pediatric Cardiology at Seattle Children’s Hospital.
Catherine Horner ARNP started as a cardiac surgery nurse practitioner in June 2015. Prior to that she worked on the surgical unit at Children’s as a registered nurse. She completed her undergraduate and graduate degrees at the University of Washington. Catherine is originally from Spokane. Topic: Open heart surgeries
Arelene Armatage RN has 36 years of pediatric nursing experience, including in Newborn and Pediatric ICU, OR, Cardiac Cath Lab and Electrophysiology Lab. She trains staff and providers, establishes competencies, and monitors quality.
Topics: Electrophysiology studies (15 minutes)
Cardiac catheterizations and what to expect (10 minutes)
Jason Hopper Cruz RN BSN CCTC is a certified transplant coordinator for the pediatric heart transplant program, and nurse for the Heart Failure/Cardiomyopathy program. Jason has been in this position at Children’s for nearly 10 years. His work centers around providing holistic outpatient cardiac nursing to the heart failure/cardiomyopathy and heart transplant populations, and attending to inpatient family education needs for the same population. He has been instrumental in developing a Transition Program for heart transplant patients, and has developed patient education materials and participated in programmatic development for both the Heart Failure and Heart Transplant programs. He is a former Board member for the International Transplant Nurses Society (ITNS), and serves on the leadership council of the Seattle ITNS Chapter. Topic: Pediatric Heart Transplant
SATURDAY, April 29th, 2017 Check-in at 12:30 p.m. PLEASE ARRIVE AT 12:30 to sign in.
Class from 1:00 – 5:00 p.m.
Seattle Children’s Hospital main campus, Wright Auditorium Address: 4800 Sand Point Way NE, Seattle 98105
$30 NOTIS members $40 Non-members (Click to Join NOTIS).
Via the web (before midnight on April 26th) Click on registration button and pay online.
After registering, you will receive an email confirmation; if you do not receive a confirmation, your registration did not go through.
Via regular mail (registrations must be received by April 26th) Fill out the form and select “invoice me” on payment page. A copy of invoice with mailing instructions will be sent to you.
If registering for more than one person, please submit a separate registration for each.
We regret that no refunds can be given after April 26th, 2017. A $10 processing fee will apply for refunds requested before April 26th.
Directions to Seattle Children’s Hospital can be found at http://www.seattlechildrens.org/contact/main-hospital/map/ Park in Parking Lot One and enter the hospital at the River entrance.
Interpreters must show an ID badge at Security at the entrance and receive an internal badge pass, so arrive early.
In order to offer this unique opportunity at an affordable price, no refreshments will be provided. We encourage you to bring your own water, coffee and snacks.
CE credits? Continuing education credits have approved from WA State DSHS(4), Washington State AOC(4), ATA(4), and CCHI (3.75).
ATA credits are accepted by IMIA/NBCMI. Certificates of Attendance will be awarded to all who arrive on time and stay for the entire workshop.
Anything else? If you require accommodation, please contact the NOTIS Office Manager (officemanager@notisnet.org) at least 3 weeks in advance if possible.
Questions about class content? Please contact Linda Golley at linda_golley@yahoo.com.
Questions about registration? Please contact Naomi Uchida at officemanager@notisnet.org.