Fall is conference season for translators, and literary translators are often called upon to speak about their work and the work of the authors they translate. Before heading off to ATA or ALTA this year, take an opportunity to practice your presentation by previewing it for your local colleagues. Past, future, or imaginary conference presentations are also welcome. Not going to a translation conference this fall? Come experience a condensed version, no plane ticket required.
Write to Katie King if you'd like to get on the mini-program for this event.
Featured speakers include:
Leland Ross (Ros' Haruo) on Shakespeare in translation
Please note: this is our first event in Folio's new location in Pike Place Market.
The Northwest Literary Translators, part of the Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society, meet the third Thursdays of most months at Folio, the Seattle Athenaeum. For more information, join our Facebook group.
(c) Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society A Chapter of the American Translators Association (ATA)
12819 SE 38th St. #205, Bellevue, WA 98006 Call/Text: +1(425) 247-0684Email: info@notisnet.org