Literary translators will gather to share their works in progress and accept helpful feedback and questions from attendees. We welcome all languages and genres. If you'd like to share your work, please email Melody Winkle.
This month, we plan to meet online on Zoom. The URL will be sent to you when you register.
The Northwest Literary Translators, part of the Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society, traditionally meet the third Thursdays of most months at Folio, the Seattle Athenaeum. As Seattle reopens, we will be holding more in-person events, possibly on a different schedule. Please stay tuned.
For more information, join our Facebook group.
(c) Northwest Translators and Interpreters Society A Chapter of the American Translators Association (ATA)
12819 SE 38th St. #205, Bellevue, WA 98006 Call/Text: +1(425) 247-0684Email: